Ayahuasca Vine near Iquitos, Peru

Ayahuasca vine in peru


Shamanic Services 

Accessing Medicine and Healing from the Unseen Worlds

Corynne Hilbert has been studying and practicing shamanism for over 14 years. Informally, she has been practicing shamanism since childhood.

Shamanism is a spiritual practice that is found worldwide in a variety of cultures dating back thousands of years. Shamanism is rooted in nature and the interconnectednes of all life. Shamanic practitioners access medicine and other information through altered states of consciousness that allows them to travel into the Unseen Worlds and realms. While doctors work with the physical body and psychotherapists address the mental/emotional realms, shamanic practitioners work with spiritual and energetic states. The practitioner works with the Helping Spirits and Compassionate Guides in these Unseen Worlds to facilitate healing on behalf of others, helping to restore balance and wellness in the physical, emotional and spiritual realms. Illness is thought to be a result of loss of power, soul loss, entanglement, ancestral patterns, intrusive energies, and/or disconnection from nature.

Soul Retrieval is a beautiful ceremony of returning life force essence and Vitality that was sent away as a result of trauma. If you’d like to learn more about this, The Soul Retrieval Journey by Sandra Ingerman and/or Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self by Sandra Ingerman may help you determine if this ceremonial healing work is right for you. Corynne was trained in this work by one of Sandra’s teachers. Soul Retrieval can also be done for animals.

Shamanic services provided by Corynne include soul retrieval (for humans and animals), shamanic journeying, power animal retrieval, psychopomp work, ceremonies, ancestral healing, transfiguration, and shamanic art. Shamanic services are NOT considered counseling or therapy services, and are NOT covered by insurance.